
Sunday, 17 June 2012

aque ah-dong,,kau?

seriously aku penat giler minggu nie.rasanye ade dekat sebaldi air mata aku keluarkan sebab penat ya ampun!dgn karnival asrama la sports day lha comp kompang nye lagi.separuh mati aku dibuatnye huh!! mmg aku asyik curi2 mase utk tidur dalam kelas..hehehe,, ;p maybe sebab baru naek daripada cuti persekolahan kot tu yg sume mcm tergesa-gesa.tapi tak kesahlah..yg penting sekarang aku kat rumah.outing! =D lol.kehh..selasa lepas ada persaraan pn chong,guru cemerlang biologi sekolah aku.dia dahh lme gile bapakk mengajar kt sekola aku tapi whatever sebab aku bukan nak cakap pasal dia faham tak?aku nak cakap pasal AH-DONG..act,nie name baru aku.kawan aku yg bijak bebenor yg cipta wktu kitorang sdg berpanas memegang kertas bintang time persaraan pn chong.bintang tu dorg lipat,nmpak mcm tanda kat dahi avatar.pernah tengok?kalau pernah bagus sebab asal-usul name ah-dong tu daripada avatar.dorg letak bintang tu kt dahi aku n suwehh gile sebab aku nampak sebijik cm avatar!!perkataan dong lak wujud sebb aku pakai tudung so at first dorg pggl aku avatar bertudung but dorg pendekkan so jd lahh ah-dong..taraa~hahaha.nmpak cm merepek tp tu lah kenyataan dan now nme aq NAURA cm dah terkorban.huhu~keh lah,,aku nak layan dream high so aku tamatkan post ni dgn satu emo quotes,,


Saturday, 9 June 2012


 my tears rolling down my cheek when i heard this is very touching.i love it.IU daebak!


Friday, 8 June 2012

gune fesbukk btol2 lha!!

haha..abaikan baby comel nie..dia sekadar penghias post kali nie,,
 btw,assalamualaikum kali nie nk lebihkan melayu.why?saje je kn?hhaha.keh.. back to the topic kat atas sne..(angkat sikit mate) mmg saya tertanya2..kenapa??  tgk dari dpn alahaii sopann ayu segala bagai lembut gitu.tapi bukak fesbukk,,huh!!nie ke org yg my mom dok puja2 tuhh?nk aku jadikan contohh?meraban meyhh,,~!kt luar elokk hah bersarung tudung..sekali,,!sebolehh-boleh nak tayang rambut yg konon2 macam iklan sunsilk nuhh...mmg hahaha!!!sungguh aku nak bagi penyepak..!tolong lahh sedar,huduh la muka kamu!!okie,,nie bkn nk fokus sorang,tapi semua rakyat malaysia beragama islam.pliz lha der...muka ade.otak ada.duit ada.akhlak?cmpk dlm tong abadi ea?yaks~ nie baru sentuhhh hal aurat kat fesbukk..belum agie psl post kt fesbukk..aii semua fesbuk alahai kesian,,naseb aku xde aku x berani nk sentuh.keh b2topic,,kot yelapun nak pun nak mengisytiharkan perang gado2 pown sopan lha sikit sayunx..korang nie nak org lan tau "owh dorang tengah gaduh" ea?baru sebut gaduh,belom sebut lagi psl putus chenta monyet beruk gorilla segala rak buku tuhh...hishh!!aku yg bace nie pown nk muntah pelangi dah tau takk?!yg berchenta lagi lah,mau terkentut x berhenti aku dibuatnya.hailaa,,cerita bnde happy yg x meloyakan tekak x bole ke?? hewww,,~!!keh lha,,malas nak cakap pape..cakap byk kang org ckp "eleh dia pown dua kali lima je" pulak..apeponn..sedar lah wahai orang yg sedang membaca,aurat anda buat santapan orang kat fesbukk..emosi anda bukan utk digembar-gemburkan kt fesbukk..sopan sikit ea nnt kat fesbuk?okehh?kbye.chow.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


believe in each other,together forever..
this is what we call as B.F.F,,ain't it? 
i always want someone that i can be my FULLY b.f.f.
who can accept me although i'm a dummy person..
someone who will always bring me to the right way..
someone that always waste their time for  me.. 
and someone who can be my crying shoulder..
"i believe in you,you believe in me too," 

'*wahai rakan2 ku,carilah rakan yg sebenar-benarnya utk dirimu..kawan biarlah beribu,sahabat karib biarlah satu..asalkan dirinya sesungguhnya terbaik utkmu.. 

 doa mencari sahabat yg baik

"Ya Allah, bimbinglah daku untuk bersahabat dengan orang-orang yang berbuat kebajikan. Jauhkan daku dari persahabatan dengan orang-orang yang berbuat kejelekan. Curahkan kepadaku rahmat-Mu sampai hari kiamat, dengan Ilahiyah-Mu wahai Tuhan semesta alam."

#Alhamdullillah..moga kalianlah rakan2 yg ditakdirkan utk ku..



Tuesday, 5 June 2012 WAY!!

   many girls out there love to wear high-heels.dont no why.maybe cause it looks fabulous or gorgeous and so on.but me?well,i HATE it.guess why?,i hate something girlish.although i'm a girl.sound weird,huh?haha.well..many other girls also said that "i hate pink,it's too girlish!"but hey,they put on lipstick and wear skirt!or maybe not.but they still look like a too.but,believe me,i never ever love make-up!!eww,,i love natural face.okehh..back to the topic.hi-heel?wekk!!for me,hi-heel is only for someone who lives in her own fantasy.dream to be a princess.and really,it doesnt suit me.i'm a simple girl,who loves to wear something easy and shirt,jeans and sandal.that's completely me!but you know,my mom wants me to be a beautiful lady or she bought me stuff that i hate.u-huh!lucky she doesnt buy me pair of hi-heels.if she buy it,i dont care,i'll throw it into the dustbin!i dont want to be like her and my sister.yaks!you know,they are fans of hi-heels.they spend their money only to buy it.hey!!their lose money!only to buy something that you wear on foot.i think the money better flow to buy food than hi-heel.and mark my word,they buy it,and wear only once,and buy one more,and wear it once,and repeat it again and again and again.want me to be like that?hopefully the answer is NO.and seriously,if you a girl,or ladies,or woman,i remind you,,dont ever you dare to be like them.
last but not least,SAVE MONEY or YOU'LL BE HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!


Monday, 4 June 2012

rooftop prince

hey!love to watch korean drama?x tw nak tgk citer ape?bosann kn skrg?so aq cdgkn tgk citer ni,

rooftop prince =)


# check it out at dramacrazy.. =)